In California, the courts generally accept a fair and reasonable property division the parties agree to, but if the parties cannot agree, the property is divided by the Superior Court within the Judgment of Divorce. California is a community property state. When a marriage is dissolved, the Court is required to divide all the community property equally between the spouses. Subject to exceptions, “community property is all property acquired by a married person during marriage while domiciled in California, regardless of whether the property is real or personal and no matter where it’s located.” Although the community property laws seem basic and straight forward, once you begin to consider the different types and amount of property a couple may accrue over their marriage, the rules can quickly become complicated and confusing, especially when a pre-existing business is involved. It is important to obtain intelligent and sophisticated legal counsel to help you understand such issues. If you’d like California community property law explained, and applied to the facts of your life, please call Keese Hargraves LLP and schedule a consultation.